made it clear not to worry. You assuage
my fears and remind me that Your abiding presence is a controlling force over
the future. Thus I proceed forward in
the sanctuary of each moment, reserving a quiet place in my heart for You. You whisper “patience” in my ear and assure
me I will know what to do when I get there; You enlarge my capacity for grace
and transform me into a lighthouse of Love, a spiritual oasis of Living Waters.
I shall
not worry about coin or money, for You are a God of divine providence, the One
who keeps me safe within the eye of the storm.
Praise be to You. Amen.
Teach me
the ways of Your Kingdom, how to Love my enemies and overcome my self-willed
nature. All battles belong to You. I am simply and observer along for the
ride. I wait for You to move me with
Your Spirit.
I adore You and desire to gaze into Your face. Convict me and make me an obedient servant. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Larry Word