“And the earth was (‘hayah’) without form (‘tohu’) and void (‘bohu’).”
Gen 1:2
“…God Himself that formed the earth and made it… He created it not in vain (‘tohu’—same word as Gen 1:2)” Isa. 45:18
A few notes before we begin our study: the “without form” of Genesis 1:2 and the “in vain” of Isaiah 45:18 are translations of the same Hebrew word, “tohu.” According to Strongs’ Concordance, “tohu” means to be in a state of “waste” or “desolation.” Similarly, the Hebrew word “bohu,” translated “void” in Genesis 1:2, means to be “ruined” or totally “empty.” Finally, the verb “was” in Genesis 1:2, as in the earth “was” without form, is the Hebrew word “hayah.” The word “hayah” may be translated as “was,” “became,” or “came to pass.” The translators must decide by context whether “was,” “became,” or “came to pass” is the correct rendering (“hayah” translated as “became” in Gen 2:7, 4:3, 9:15, 19:26, Exod. 32:1, Deut 27:9, etc; “hayah” translated “came to pass” in Gen 4:14, 22:1, 23:1, 27:1, Josh 4:1, 5:1, 1 Kings 13:32, etc.).
Hebrew does not conjugate the verb “to be.” Old KJV Bibles render words such as “is,” “are,” “was,” “were,” “shall be,” etc. in italics to inform the reader that the text does not appear in the original scriptures. The Revised Version stopped this practice and renders all such words in common type. But the lesson here is that the Hebrew word “hayah” does not specifically denote verb tense and the lack of a Hebrew word for “to be” leaves it open to interpretation whether “hayah” should be rendered “was,” “became,” or “came to pass” as illustrated in the above examples.
A better rendering of Genesis 1:2 would have been “became”: “and the earth became ‘tohu’ (waste)”; We know this because Isaiah 45:18 explicitly declares that God did not create the earth “tohu” (KJV renders “tohu” as “in vain” in Isa 45:18). Therefore, if God did not create the earth “tohu,” then it must have become “tohu.”
So what happened? Before we explore this, a recap of our scriptures with their enhanced renderings:
Tohu= “waste”
Bohu= “desolate” or “ruined”
Hayah= “was” or “became” or “came to pass” depending on context
Isa 45:18—“…He created it not ‘tohu’”
Gen 1:2—“and the earth was/became ‘tohu’ (waste) and ‘bohu’ (desolate)”
Conclusion—Earth not created “tohu” therefore it must have become “tohu” in Gen 1:2—which is exactly what the original Hebrew states—the “was” of Gen 1:2 should be rendered “became.”
In eternity past, prior to the creation of man, God’s most beautiful and intelligent creature—the anointed cherub Lucifer (Ezek. 28:14)—conspired with one third of the angelic host (Rev 12:4) to usurp the throne of heaven and mutiny against God. God put down the revolt and sentenced the traitors to eternal torment. For their insolence and iniquity, they would be eternally damned, cast into the lake of fire, never to see the glorious face of the Creator again (Rev. 20:10).
Lucifer appealed the sentence. In his fallen state, he impugned the character of God, arguing that a Loving Creator could not possibly condemn His creatures. He basically called God a liar by insisting the verdict was unjust and unfair. This is evidenced in Lucifer’s new name. After he fell, Lucifer the “Light-bearer” became Satan the “Accuser” or “Adversary.”
God granted Satan and his cronies an appeal trial. Execution of sentence is stayed and currently held in abeyance pending the outcome of the trial. The only way that Satan can win his appeal is if he can prove God a liar, which is both impossible and futile. God’s Word will be vindicated as true. And, God will eventually annihilate the entire cosmic system and re-create a new heaven and earth at the conclusion of the trial (2 Pet 3:7, 10; Rev 21:1).
So if we recap the secret history of earth and the universe, our planet was originally the abode of angels. Lucifer the “Light-bearer” was God’s most powerful created being. He had access to heaven and roamed through Eden, the garden of God (Ezek. 28:13). The angelic revolt resulted in a cataclysm of epic proportion (Gen 1:2). We do not know when judgment came, but we can conclude that the Bible says that earth became a desolate waste.
But God regenerated the planet in seven literal days. He created humans within those seven days, approximately 6,000 years ago. Man was created in response to the angelic conflict. We have been endowed with free will to choose either for God or the devil. We fell just like the angels, but are offered redemption through a Savior, an opportunity to one day be born into a new heaven and earth. God promises us a way back to Him through faith: “the just shall live by faith” (Rom. 1:17).
The Bible also alludes to the possibility of angelic redemption (compare Col 1:16 with 1:20). The sacrifice of Christ is sufficient to reconcile all things to Himself, both the things in heaven and on earth. The apparent offer of angelic salvation, if there was one, probably took place in eternity past and is no longer a valid or relevant issue. The relevant issue now is that man has been created to mirror the exact conditions under which the angels sinned.
Humans have the unique opportunity to become living testimonies in the appeal trial of the fallen angels. By Grace, through trusting God, we are promised a position one day that is even more exalted than the angels. We shall be coheirs and co-rulers in the Kingdom to come, born into the family of God with the likeness of Christ. For those who receive and respond to this calling upon their hearts, the Kingdom of Heaven is already born within. One day it shall be made manifest as a physical reality at His glorious appearance in the sky. Amen.
Fundamentalists cite Exodus 20:11 as proof that God created the heaven and earth during the seven days of Genesis: “…for in six days the Lord made (asah) heaven and earth… and rested on the seventh” (Exod 20:11). However, the word “made” in this passage is the Hebrew word “asah,” which means to form, decorate, assemble, or put together—exactly what God did after the judgment of Genesis 1:2. It does not imply original creation.
Genesis 1:1 uses a different word: “In the beginning God created (bara) the heaven and the earth” (Gen 1:1). Here, the “created” is the Hebrew word “bara,” which means to create something out of nothing.
Science does not disagree with scripture as much as we might think. The earth and universe are of ancient antiquity. Fossil remains are indeed millions of years old, remnants of a time prior to the great cataclysm of Genesis 1:2. This cataclysm came as a result of war in heaven, the angelic conflict, and God pronouncing judgment. Humans were created in response to Satan impugning the character of God, to demonstrate that God is both Loving and Just. We are given the opportunity to become witnesses at the appeal trial of Satan. Every time we overcome temptation, every time we walk the life of faith we testify for God and become recipients of His Grace. Every word that God has spoken will be vindicated as faithful and true, proving that it is Satan, and not God, who is the liar.
Finally, I am not the first one to come up with this notion about earth and the universe being of ancient antiquity. What I have argued herein is commonly known as “Gap theory,” and it is supported by many prominent theologians such as J. Vernon McGee, R. B. Thieme, and the Scoffield, Bullinger, and Dake’s Study Bibles. It is known as “Gap theory” because of the “gap” of unknown time between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2.
When I first heard about this theory, I thought it nothing more than speculation, an attempt by man to reconcile science with scripture. However, upon researching the scriptures involved and studying the original Hebrew text, I am now convinced that this is more than mere “theory.” It is an irrefutable fact expressly declared in scripture. There is no other way to reconcile Isaiah 45:18 with Genesis 1:2 without rendering “was” (‘hayah’) as “became.” I invite anyone interested to research this matter and judge for themselves. May the Holy Spirit be your guide, and may the Lord of Glory reveal to you the light of Truth. Amen.
Larry Word