Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Publicize Your Invitation to All Who Dare: “Come”

Psalms, Prayers, and Devotionals

Blessed Redeemer,
         You have gifted me a healer, an idealist; You have opened my eyes and ears to the sweet chorus of a Lover’s song, the symphony of stars.  Precious Master, please make me self-aware, self-disciplined, and self-denied that I might remain attuned to Your subtle cues, the hints of Your desires for me and my life.  Oh, that You would reveal to me the specifics, the secrets of our operation.  I trust that it will all come to pass at the appointed time.  Just please do not let my gifts wax cold, my perceptions become dull.  Enlarge my capacity to receive more of You, that I might experience the power of Your Spirit, Your resurrection in my life.
     Let us fast together and eat of the grape of the vine.  Let us silently wallow in pain, suffering but in warm embrace; let us enjoy these seasons for all things, a time to celebrate, mourn, laugh, and cry; This world passes away but in Your house do I abide forever.  Amen. 
     So much have You given me and with that same passion do I offer You in return.  With that same tenacity and enthusiasm shall I carry this flag, our mission together; for only do I wish to do the will of Our Father; to express Love and advertise eternal life proffered. Let all who dare, “Come”… “Come all ye children, let your hearts shine His light.” 
     Christ has come into the world and His Kingdom currently reigns in the hearts of men.  Let us rejoice in His Name.  Let us enter into this dynamic family of spiritually regenerated, re-created beings.  Let us drink of Love and taste of death, the doorway to eternity.  Fear not, but embrace change with calm assurance, with the innocence of a child, let us trust in Jesus’ name.  Amen.
Larry Word