Sunday, August 12, 2012

These Outer Courts Called Earth

Dear Master,
        Hyperspace connection, lifted off to Your temple in the sky. These outer courts called earth, where the ignorant and uninitiated dwell, here I bear the burden of loneliness and responsibility of Love.
     Your Highness envelops those who Love You, and I beam testimonies to the promises You shared.  Make my soul an inner sanctuary,  peaceful, tranquil, in perfect harmony with Your voice. You show me the interconnectedness of life—from the beetles to comets; from butterflies to the seasons—Your timing for everything is perfect. 
     Come move me as Your tool.  Send Your Holy Spirit.  I am ready and willing.  Come occupy this temple, this person of my body.  My spirit is waiting; my soul inside for You. 
     Thanks be to You Lord.  I rejoice at the victory You won but lament Your physical absence on earth.  In Jesus name.  Amen.
Larry Word

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