Thursday, September 8, 2011

Enlarge My Capacity to Receive You

 Devotional Letters, Psalms, and Prayers to God

Beloved One,
          Creator of heaven and earth, I am nothing that You should think kindly of me and Love me.  Your Love is too much to take in; I scarce have capacity to receive it.  Invoke Your Holy Spirit in me and judge me not harshly for my past foolishness.  Draw from me a clean heart, polished in Truth and obsessed with You.
     My heart palpitates in these rhythmic skips because I am overloaded by Your current.  I feel closer to You as these years pass, as I get closer to my date with death.  Oh sweet death, You have become my friend, for I cannot loathe that which will deliver me to my Lord.
     Garden of Light, prepare Your branches of fruit for me.  I am athirst, my throat parched.  Spoken language is a foreign mode of communications to my spirit.  One day my mind shall process information in its purest essence, without having to translate ideas into words.  One day this angelic war shall play out and God will restore purity to creation.
     My Love, You have faithfully kept me company all my life, even when I did not know You were there.  Thank You.  Please settle me down and soften my heart, that I might receive more of You.  Reveal to me the secrets of Your vaulted treasure.  I am Your inheritance and You have promised me eternal life.  I believe You; I believe in You.  I know You rose from the dead because You live in my heart.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.
Larry Word

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

That Sun of Righteousness Whose Body is Composed of Stars

Devotional Letters, Psalms, and Prayers to God

Father in Heaven,
             Thank You for happiness and peace in this world, for the promised return of Your Son in glory; for the brightness of His coming is already revealed in the hearts of men; that Sun of Righteousness spoken of whose body is composed of stars.  Oh Master, Your brightness has blinded me and I do not want to ever see again.  You gave my life purpose, meaning, joy, Love, and more.  It is a good thing that I have been chastised so that I could be lifted out of degeneracy.  My life swirled out of control because I did not let You control my life.
     Lord, I long for the day when I can prove better than my wanting past.  I shall strive and aspire; I shall trust in You and walk courageously.  Please open me up; open my pathways to reflect Your Love.  Own me Lord, leave me not without to do.  Only in service to You and others shall I ever be satisfied.
     Thank You for Your miracles and for faith.  I Love relying on You, but I get so impatient and feel so inadequate.  I am so thankful to have You, my Conqueror, living inside of me.  It is one thing to know You, what a blessing indeed, but it is even better to know You and sense Your active agency working through me, the Power of the Holy Spirit.  For this I shout for joy.  You transmit messages, Your correspondence inspires my heart.  I pray that my sacrifices be pleasing to You. 
     I feel alive when we work together.  Let us dance.  I shall lead my life as Your servant, and even as Your son; one day I shall govern with You.  Wisdom shall dwell in my character.  Please Lord, let it be so.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.
Larry Word

Sunday, August 14, 2011


TruthBroadcast Ministries, Publisher of Guerilla Evangelism, Leases Strategic Commercial Space at Hollywood and Vine Blvd.

Thanks be to God for blessing this ministry.  He delivered to us a 225 square foot property right off Hollywood Blvd, adjacent Pantages Theater, the Red Line Subway, and the "W" Hotel.  The new space will operate as this ministry's world headquarters from which to perform outreach on the streets of Los Angeles.  God's Spirit continues to move!  I signed the lease and took the keys to the property on Friday.  The site was consecrated to the Lord the following day.

God continues to perform miracles.  He swore His Word will go out and not return to Him void.  He proves Himself faithful.  The property will be transformed into a mediation and prayer room as well as the location from which we film and edit the Messages published on the internet.  The "" website is nearing completion and will serve as the main infrastructure through which we share the Message of His Love to a Dying World.  The truthbroadcast website will be linked with this blog and the ChristConduit YouTube channel.

God put this ministry in a position to be fishers of men.  With the subway station as well as the Walk of Fame, this location is like being adjacent a gushing river replete with fish.  We will obtain access to visitors from around the world. 

I pray the Lord Jesus Christ transform the site to His liking, that it might become a Holy Sanctuary for His Spirit to abide.  I pray that He use me and the ministry as a vehicle to communicate life.  

God just entrusted this ministry with a garden; let us together grow it into a jungle.  Giving all glory and praise to Christ.  Amen.
Larry Word

Stay Tuned for Updates on the TruthBroadcast Website and the newly leased HQ

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Of Knowledge and Faith, Part 1 of 2

Of Knowledge and Faith 
Part 1 of 2

“That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge (“epignosis”) of Him.”
Eph 1:17

“And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge (“gnosis”), that ye might be filled with all the fullness of God” 
Eph 3:19

     Not many people understand that faith is an action verb in the Hebrew tongue.  Faith is an experience, a state of being in which we must reside.  We are called to walk “from faith to faith” (Rom 1:17), meeting every new challenge with our continued “faithing” response.
     Most people think that faith means to believe.  But faith transcends mere belief.  To only believe something denotes doubt.  But true faith is to know something with all certainty.  It is the knowledge of God applied, a peace that surpasses all understanding (Phil 4:7).
     There are three elements to refined faith—ACTION; BELIEF; and CONFIDENCE.  They form the perfect trinity to faith, as illustrated by the equilateral triangle.  ACTIONS are the top node, the manifestation of the active verb “faith” which we speak of.  The two bottom nodes are BELIEF and CONFIDENCE.  BELIEF and CONFIDENCE must be drawn together, traveling toward one another and up their relative slopes until all doubt is erased.  They meet at the top, resulting in faith-inspired, Spirit-filled ACTION—enter the resurrection!
     Faith-inspired, Spirit-filled action is pure, performed without thought.  It is not us who performs it but Him who lives in us and operates through us.  This kind of ACTION cannot be forced, but must be waited upon.  It is the result of the Holy Spirit moving through us:



                                                                                                                                                                                        BELIEF                       CONFIDENCE

     There are two different kinds of knowledge spoken of in the New Testament.  There is the Greek word “gnosis,” which refers to mere academic knowledge or rote memorization.  And there is also the Greek word “epignosis,” the prefix “epi-” meaning “over and beyond” or “out of” mere “gnosis” (knowledge).
     “Epignosis” means to have “over and beyond knowledge.” It is the application of what you “know,” the point in which you no longer have to think about it or rehearse it.
     To learn algebra and calculus is mere “gnosis,” but to use algebra and calculus to launch a rocket to the moon, that is “epignosis.”  Epignosis removes all doubt and uncertainty.  It is “to know that you know,” much like Jehovah is “I am that I am.”
     The perfection of faith is an “epignosis,” something over and beyond knowledge.  It cannot be discovered or learned but requires divine revelation.  Epignosis must be unlocked and opened by the Holy Spirit:

“That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge (“epignosis”) of Him.” Eph 1:17

“And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge (“gnosis”), that ye might be filled with all the fullness of God” 
Eph 3:19

     When we recite the Bible and scripture, that is mere gnosis.  But when we live Bible scripture, this is epignosis.  Epignosis is synonymous with spirituality in that it denotes certainty.
     Epignosis is beyond our ability to learn or perform, it requires the revelation of God.  God opens up this revelation to us when we place our complete trust in Him.  He perfects our faith through many trials and experiences, much like  building a muscle.  It is our job but to submit to His will and wait for His Spirit.
     God appropriates us faith by first proving Himself faithful.  We start from nothing and it begins at salvation.  We simply stand there and wait.  When delivering the Israelites out of bondage Jehovah told them:

“…Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord” Exod 14:13

      God parted the Red Sea and delivered the Israelites from slavery in Egypt.  Notice that nothing is required of you at salvation.  God does all the work.  You simply put your trust in Him.  The Israelites were told to: (1) Fear not; (2) Stand still; and (3) see the salvation of the Lord.
     The same holds true in our personal relationship with Christ.  God does all the work for us at salvation.  We are to simply trust, receive, and behold the miracle that is taking place.
     But notice what happens to the Israelites when they finally reach the Promised Land.  God does not simply part the waters of the Jordan River for them the same way He parted the Red Sea.  Instead, the Lord instructs the Israelites to have the priests enter the rushing river and as soon as the soles of their feet touch the water, the river will dry up and they will walk over dry shod (Josh 3:13):

“…as soon as the soles of the feet… rest in the waters… that the waters of Jordan shall be cut off… and they shall stand upon an heap” (Jos 3:13)

     As faith grows like a muscle, God makes the believer a participant in the faith-action, meaning actions that proceed from an unwavering trust in God.  At Salvation all you have to do is stand still and trust Him, such as the Israelites delivered from Egypt.  But to enter the Promised Land, that victorious life of Christian living, you have to pass over the Jordan River and demonstrate your faith with action.  As soon as the priests put their feet in that water, a path was revealed to walk over dry shod.
     To enter the Promised Land you have to perform knowing the waters will dry once your feet enter.  Your actions are no longer your own.  You wait, pray and trust; your belief and confidence meld into together until, suddenly, like a mighty whirlwind, His Spirit will move you. At that time, it is no longer you who perform, but the Master who abides.  Our vessels become instruments of His desire played in this cosmic song called reality.
     After experiencing this kind of Living Faith and coming to rely on the certitude of His presence, the believer learns to yield to His gentle sway.  God verifies and validates the faith.  One passes from mere “gnosis” to having “epignosis.”  May the Lord bless you and reveal to you “epignosis,” the spiritual life that transcends beyond mere knowledge (gnosis).   
     I recommend meditating on these concepts before reading Of Knowledge and Faith, Part 2 of 2. 
Larry Word

Monday, July 4, 2011

TruthBroadcast Statement of Faith

Our Statement of Faith and Approach to Teaching

We strive to present objective arguments for the various interpretations of scripture.  We encourage our fellowship to do their own research and court a relationship with God.   This is a foundational principle, that God desires intimacy in a personal relationship.  Truth reveals herself to the diligent seeker.
     The ancient Greeks believed that Truth was locked within the heart.  The premise of “Socratic” method was to, through the use of rhetoric and discourse, draw out Truth.  Indeed we often know the answers but do not have the courage to ask ourselves the tough questions.  There is an enemy at work seeking to deceive.  The battleground is the mind.
     The following tenets express the beliefs of the TruthBroadcast ministry.  We strive to present the facts based on evidence.  We invite you to join us on this quest to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ.  May the Lord enrich your life and reveal His hidden purpose in your heart.


1)  There is but one God “YHWH” who is personal, infinite, knowable, and eternally existing as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  Each person of the trinity is equal in divine perfection (1 Jn 5:7; Dt 6:4; Mk 12:29; Mt 28:19)

2)  The Bible in its original language is the inspired Word of God, penned by men who were moved by the Holy Spirit.  Both the Old and New Testaments are complete, without error, correct in all context, and totally infallible (2 Tim 3:16, 17; 2 Pet 1:20, 21; Ps 119:160)

3)  The Bible is the final authority and unadulterated Truth by which all other religions, philosophies, and “truths” must be measured (Ps 119:105; Mt 4:4; 1 Tim 4:13-16)

4)  The Bible is understood only by revelation of the Holy Spirit.  Man in his fallen state cannot comprehend scripture without enlightenment from the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 2:11)

5) Humans are born physically alive but spiritually dead.  At the moment of faith in Christ, the Holy Spirit revives to life the dead human spirit in man, also known as the “new man” in scripture (Eph 2:1, 5; 4:24)

6)  Faith begins with the resurrection (spiritual in the heart) and culminates with the resurrection (immortality of the body).

7)  Faith comes by hearing the Word of God or by a revelatory gift of the Holy Spirit (Rom 10:17; Eph 1:17)

8) Salvation (heaven) is the free gift of God made solely by grace (unmerited favor) through faith (trust) in Jesus Christ apart from any works.  Salvation cannot be earned, deserved, lost, or forfeited once implanted in the heart.  Salvation comes through faith alone in Christ alone.  (Eph 2:4-10; Tit 3:4-7; Rom 5:8-10; Jn 10:10-11; Jn 15:13-16)

9)  Repentance is a change in mind, attitude, and direction toward God.  Repentance involves the working of the Holy Spirit in the conviction of sin.

10)  Salvation first occurs by hearing the Gospel message and the Holy Spirit stirring the regenerated new nature “awake” in the heart.  Conviction of sin leads to repentance and a turning toward God (Rom 13:11; Eph 5:14)

11)  The body is the temple of the living God.  The Holy Spirit and the resurrected Jesus Christ indwell within every believer, empowering the spiritual identity in the heart to grow to maturity (1 Cor 6:19)

12)  Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God, the Word incarnate in the flesh.  Jesus Christ is the hypostatic union of God and man, being perfect, sinless, and equal to the Father, yet born in a human form.   (Jn 1:1)

13) Before the foundation of the world, God’s plan of salvation was foreordained by the Father, accomplished by the work of Christ’s death on the cross, and revealed in the hearts of men by the Holy Spirit (1 Pet 1:18-20; Eph 1:3-11; Jn 16:7-14; 1 Cor 2:9-13)

14) Jesus Christ is the expressed image of God who came into the world to redeem man from his sinful condition.  This redemptive work on the cross is our complete atonement for sins, once and for all (Heb 1:1-3; Col 2:9; Heb 9:14; 10:12-14)

15) Jesus Christ was born of the Virgin Mary, conceived of the Holy Spirit, was crucified (died), buried, and rose from the dead on the third day.  He then ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father, making intercession on our behalf (Isa 7:14; Mt 1:18-23; 1 Cor 15:3-4; Acts 1:9-11; Heb 7:24-25; 8:1-3; 9:11-12; 9:24; 10:12)

16) Justification is an act of God, in which He declares those who believe “righteous” on the basis of faith in Christ.  Therefore, because He (Christ) alone is righteous, His righteousness is imputed to all who believe in Him, resulting in justification (Rom 3:24-28; 4:1-9; 4:23-25; Gal 2:16; 1 Cor 1:30-31)

17) Sanctification is the “setting apart” of a believer by God unto Himself as His “purchased possession” through the work of the Holy Spirit and the power of His Word (Jude 1:1; 1 Pet 1:2; Heb 10:10; 2 Thes 2:13; Jn 17:16-19; Eph 5:26-27)

18) Every true regenerated (born again) believer is eternally secured, kept by the power of God until the day of redemption (Jn 1:12-13; 3:5-7; 10:27-29; Rom 8:9-14; 1 Pet 3-5; Phil 1:6)

19) Every believer is commanded to be baptized by full immersion.  It is not a requirement for eternal salvation but a direct result of it.  It is an outward expression of an inward conversion.  It is represents identification with the Lord’s death, burial and resurrection, the believer dying to self and sin in order to live unto God (Mt 28:19-20; Acts 10:47-48; Rom 6:3-11; 12:1-2)

20) The observance of the Lord’s supper should be done as often as we put in remembrance His sacrificial death at Calvary.  The bread represents a promised body of immortality while the wine represents the blood of Christ through which there is remission of sins (Lk 22:14-20; 1 Cor 11:23-29; 1 Cor 10:16-17)

21) The enemy, Satan, is a fallen, created being, opposed to all that is holy, and is destined for eternal punishment along with the one third of the angels that followed him in rebellion against God (Isa 14:12-15; Rev 20:10; 2 Pet 2:4; Mt 25:41)

22) God is the Creator of the universe.  From out of nothing, His Word created all things in the beginning.  Therefore, believers reject all theories of macroevolution (one species transforming into another) (Gen 1; Rev 4:11; Rom 1:19-20; Ps 146 1:6; Isa 42:5)

23)  Israel remains God’s covenant people who have been blinded because of unbelief.  However, they will be redeemed as a nation after the times of the Gentiles is fulfilled. (Eze 36:17-24; Rom 11:1-16; 25-32; Eze 36:25-34)

24) There will be a resurrection of both believers and unbelievers in separate periods of time.  The righteous shall rise first and will receive glorified heavenly bodies for eternal life.  Unbelievers will stand unto judgment of eternal damnation in the lake of fire, initially reserved for Satan and his fallen angels (Mt. 25:31-34, 41; 1 Cor 15:20-28; 43-57; Rev 7:9-17; 20:1-15)

25)  Jesus Christ, our High Priest, can sympathize with our weakness, because He was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin (Heb 2:14-18; 4:15; 1 Pet 2:21-22)

As a Bride Looks Forward to Her Wedding Day

 The New Paradigm for Perceiving Death

“A good name is better than precious ointment; and the day of death than the day of one’s birth.”  Eccles 7:1

“…through death He might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil”  Heb 2:14

“…that He by the grace of God should taste death for every man.”  Heb 2:9

     I remember before I knew the Lord, how very much afraid I was to die. I would never have admitted it, though.  The ego constructs such powerful defense mechanisms, to keep it from contemplating unpleasant truths.  I would rationalize away death, convincing myself it was a natural stage of life we all must pass.  Of course, it helped that I was a healthy, young man with potentially decades longer to live.
     But I pondered the subject, once in a while meditating deep enough to realize how scared I really was.  I was glad I did not have to face the dreaded Grim Reaper anytime soon, so I thought.
     How different things became after the Lord entered my life.  God quickened in me a conscious, breathing spirit; the new creation in Christ awakened in my heart.  At the same time, part of me died. 
     Being certain of the Creator’s existence yields its own implications.  It becomes incumbent upon you to share the joy with others; to glorify His name in your life. We crucify self daily to walk after Him.  (1 Cor. 15:31; Gal 5:24).  He in us will increase if put off our old self and decrease (John 3:30).
     The process of sanctification means to be set apart for the Lord’s purposes.  My sanctification came through much chastisement, but I was always thankful to be set apart, to have been forknown before the universe was created.  Sanctification can occur through obedience or chastisement.  As a child of God, the Father will discipline his children.  He will humble you through enforced humiliation  if you do not voluntarily humble yourself.  He will transform some through pain, tears, and supplication if needed. 
     If He has called our name then He has also provided you everything needed to crucify your affections and lead a victorious life of faith.  But He will use calamity to get your attention, if need be.
     Whether sanctification occurs through voluntary submission or enforced humility, the amazing thing is that no believer enlists to follow God.   Believers are not volunteers but are drafted.  You cannot claim grace unless grace first claims you.  One cannot choose Christ; it is the Father exerting that soft tug upon the heart and gently drawing the believer to Himself through the Spirit (John 6:44).   We are incapable of choosing God, and if anyone thinks that they did, then it is probably the self-righteous trend in the sin nature at work.
     God whispered the name of believers into the cosmos before the creation of the universe (Eph 1:4).  To understand this is the beginning of sensing that gentle call upon your heart, the beginning of discerning that Spirit that moves you toward Love.  Let no man believe he or she came to Christ purely of their own volition, but rather, that they were responding to a call upon their heart.
     After I received Christ, I knew part of me would live for eternity and part of me would die.  Death no longer scared me any more.
     So whenever your aging body reminds you of how numbered your days are, whenever mortal infirmities remind you of how you draw closer to dying, take comfort in the fact that:

“Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints”
Psalm 116:15

He will not leave your soul in the grave, but will raise you a new immortal body.  The spiritually mature believer understands that the day of death is better than the day of one’s physical birth (Ecc. 7:1).  It is okay to romanticize over it.  It is the day that we are reunited with our Beloved, the day we stare face-to-face into the eyes of the glorified Christ:

“And they shall see His face… and they need no candle, neither light of the sun”
Rev 22:4-5
“…for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof”
Rev 21:23

     If you are in covenant relationship with the Lord and have received Him into your heart, then death no longer has sting or victory over you (1 Cor. 15:55).  At death, you will either be honored with martyrdom or comforted as your fleshly shell expires.
     For the believer, God is a Lover—He simply takes your breath away.  In dying grace, we swoon, exhaling our last, with complete trust that He will raise us up again and carry us over that bridge to eternity.
     As a bride looks forward to her wedding day, so too does the mature believer look forward to death.  For in that day we are married, truly becoming one with Christ.  Until then, sing songs of joy and thanksgiving in the land of the living.  And take comfort, with eager anticipation and expectation, because truly is the day of one’s death more blessed than the day of one’s birth (Ecc 7:1).
Larry Word