Dear Lord,
Prostrated in puddles of anguish do I lament about the days of my
vanity, the pain of separation from You.
Purpose foretold, yet stiff-necked and stubborn am I to that which I am
called. Source of my strength behind the
tears in my eyes, together shall we suffer at-one. Great travesty and misfortune I feel but I
ask You pity me with tender mercies and let not my crown be forfeited forlorn.
end, I can’t pretend to be happy in a world of evil. My mind raped by this darkness, that enemy so
heartless, I’m powerless lest I call out to You: come rescue my Darling; come
save me Beloved, remove me from cloudy weather in this spiritual domain. I Love You my Champion, Jesus Christ my Lord,
You are my shield and sword. Glory be unto thee. Hallelujah.
Larry Word
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