Saturday, November 19, 2011

Teach Me to Number My Days

Psalms, Prayers, and Devotionals

Dear Lord,
            What is my purpose, my identity here on earth?  What would You have me do while I am alive, most Benevolent and Living Master.  You are as a Silent Witness in my heart who awakened me.  You baptized my soul into Your body.  Please Lord, even if it is only but a small portion of Your kingdom, so long as I might faithfully serve You; so long as I might be able to express my devotion to You; so long as I might be able to one day present these offerings at Your feet, then I shall be happy.
     Lord, You invited me and so I invite You too.  Please move me and abide strongly in my heart.  I resign myself and wait for You to actualize in my existence.  My life is like a passing dream—I am watching it pass by.  Teach me to number my days so that my life will not have been lived in vain. 
     You are the sunshine and I am Your garden.  You are a rainbow and I am Your treasure at its end.  Make me beautiful in Your eyes.  Is my Love and devotion worthy or wanting?  I must know, so that I can understand how to keep improving for You.
     Father, all things are possible thanks to Your Son Jesus, my brother Jesus.  You are my Father thanks to Him.  Oh Beloved, instruct me as needed.  Let us grow closer together as one in our communion and contemplation with one another.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.
Larry Word

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